Hi, I’m Linda Graf, the author of Bitter Truth: My Story of Bitterness, Grace and Repentance. I wrote this book after the Lord freed me from a lifestyle of self-pity, bitterness and anger. After it was published in September 2014, I began blogging at bittertruthbook.com, and sharing what the Lord is teaching me in this ongoing journey – the other side of bitterness, which is a life of abundant joy! In March of 2017, I changed my site to LindaGraf.org to explore broader topics and continue writing. I also love speaking to groups and sharing what the Lord has done in me.
My husband David and I are members of Front Range Alliance Church in Colorado Springs. I was on staff as the Worship Ministries Director from 1999-2019. I was also involved in the Women’s ministry there for over 25 years. I love to mentor women and I believe I have a unique story to share with them. My earnest wish is that others would also break free if they are entangled by besetting sins or not living in the fullness of joy that’s possible in Jesus.
I blog on subjects such as repentance, forgiveness, faith and the transformed mind. I also wrote a ten week bible study based on my book, which was published in the fall of 2018. It’s more practical and helpful for the actual battle of overcoming bitterness.
Colorado is a beautiful place to live and I’m an avid reader, so I struggle with the desire to be outside in the glorious Rocky Mountains or inside with a good book! I adore my two wonderful grown children and I’m a fan of all things Jane Austen, coffee and chocolate, although not necessarily in that order.