Bitter Truth Book
Bitter Truth Book and Bitter Truth Study Guide
Why did I write a book about bitterness? Because it almost got me. ~ Linda Graf
Bittter Truth: My Story of Bitterness, Grace and Repentance – available in paperback and Kindle at
Also available in the Glen Eyrie bookstore (3820 N. 30th St., Colorado Springs CO 80904)
This book is for everyone who’s been sinned against…
More Detail
This author tells her story of being caught in the trap of bitterness with disastrous consequences in her personal and professional lives. Miraculously, she came to an understanding of the sin in her life and through the mighty power of God she was able to break free.
Linda describes her journey and then defines bitterness and prescribes the practical remedy to overcome it. There are many books on similar subjects such as forgiveness, but none contain the first-hand experience that Linda brings. She knows what it is like to possess an angry, unforgiving heart and speaks honestly to help and encourage others.
For those who find themselves caught up in this same web of deceit, Linda directs them to freedom and joy in Christ.
Study Guide Now Available to Accompany Bitter Truth Book
Now Available on! The Bitter Truth Study Guide: 10 Lessons to Fight Bitterness.
This is a Bible study to accompany my book Bitter Truth. I wrote it to be a more practical help to those who are tempted to or struggling with bitterness. It explores anger, forgiveness, healing and the transformed mind in greater detail. (See below for a picture of the table of contents.)
My hope is that it will be a great encouragement to those who are tempted with bitterness. It can be done individually or in a group setting..