Do You Need Healing?

Are you plagued by regular, annoying sins that often seem to creep up on you? Do you find yourself doing the same things over and over? Sometimes we call these “besetting” sins. One definition of besetting is: constantly assailing or obsessing, as with temptation.

It’s when you turn to that sinful action in a moment of stress, or erupt in anger when a certain hot button is pushed. It’s the temptation to gossip that becomes too strong to resist when you hear a juicy story.

Some of these sins that plague us originate from wounds in our past. Those who commit sins to find acceptance and go along with the crowd, may have a history of rejection in their past. The result of sexual abuse is often immorality, and physical abuse or harsh treatment can produce the fruit of anger in one’s life.

I struggled for years with unforgiveness, harsh words, and self-pity as a result of my wounds. Anger often erupted, and I showed very little love or grace to those around me. I knew my actions were sinful, but felt frustrated and helpless to behave any other way. It just seemed to be my automatic reaction. It was all I knew. After all, I hadn’t received any love or grace myself!

When kind friends confronted me with my sin, I knew I had to repent of my behavior. But how could I change the ingrained habits of a lifetime? I didn’t know if it was possible.

Ask, Seek, Knock

I needed healing and God’s Spirit to change me. If you are a believer in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit living in your heart. He is already working, but we must let Him in more and more.

Luke 11:13 tells us: “…How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

We must ask Him to clean out all the wounded places and pour the healing balm of God’s love into us. We must ask, seek and knock, over and over. The Bible tells us that God honors perseverance (James 5:11) and that it will be rewarded.

And John 3:34 says that He gives the Spirit without limit. If you think you have only a little of the Holy Spirit, ask for more! Ask for abundant, overflowing rivers of the Spirit pouring through and changing you. We have access to unlimited stores of power – let’s ask for it!


God has also been gracious to give us fellow believers. We are to hold each other accountable and pray for one another. Ask for support and encouragement from your Christian brothers and sisters, and offer it in return. We aren’t meant to walk this road alone! James 5:16 promises us help in community:

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.”

And we must do the hard thing: choose to obey Jesus and put off the sins that plague us. As we ask, and obey, and pursue righteousness, He will heal us. While we’re on the journey to put off our sinful behaviors, God will meet us and help us. As we fill our hearts with His Word and pursue a transformed mind, we will see change and healing. The old hurts won’t pain us, and the old temptations won’t be so enticing. We will have victory over sin and a testimony to share!

And this is my story: That as I repented of my sin and begged God to help me and heal me, He did! It wasn’t instant and it certainly wasn’t easy, but over time, God did His work. I received healing. And I’ll be forever grateful.

I Peter 2:24: He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

Proverbs 3:7-8 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.


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